Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Conflict Diamonds (Part 2)

The word ‘Blood Diamonds’ is used for those diamonds which are illegally mined, sold and the money earned from it is used to purchase arms. Angola, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, The Democratic Republic of Congo, The Republic Of Congo were the places where illegal diamond mining was done. To check such activities Angola was put under U.N. sanctions in 1998 forbidding other countries buying diamonds from it. In Sierra Leone following the U.N. mediation led to the signing of the agreement between the government and Revolutionary United Front (RUF) known as Lome Peace Agreement. Liberia also faced U.N. sanctions in 2001, same happened in the other areas. Now there is peace in these areas.


Buruhanudeen said...

Hi, Very interesting details you have here. Indeed, these are treasure we need to preserve for the younger generations.

Harneet Singh said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I liked your blog too. I've added yours in my favourites.

Writers Anonymous said...

Very informative posts! I look forward to having more knowledge from your blog. Keep it up!

Cath Delaney said...

I saw the film 'Blood Diamond' and I vowed never to wear a diamond that was produced in this way, ever again. Nice posts, informative and thanks for posting it.

Harneet Singh said...

I also saw the film and decided to share it with the people. However this series of the posts will continue because although the illegal mining has been discontinued, yet the picture is not so rosy as it is projected to be.

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